The Lost is a senior project concept. My task was to create a prototype start, main, settings, and accessibility menu that was interactable. The buttons and text were made in Figma, and the background was made in Unreal Engine.

Prototype created in:


The interactable prototype can be found here:

The brainstorming process

To create the main menu of the concept, I started with creating a flow chart in Figma. It mirrors the familiar structure of a usual game with the exception of the accessibility menu. I wanted to make the accessibility menu accessible from the main menu because the people that need to access this menu should not have to dig within menus to access it.

So, to create a main menu that is familiar to users, I created a mood board filled with games similar to my concept idea. I like the horror thriller games that have a beautiful and calm main menu, so I want to replicate that feeling.

I sketched a wireframe that closely mirrors the menus on the mood board. The layout is subject to change, but I have a rough starting point from here.

The buttons & components

The prototype layout


Hype4.Academy Daily UI Challenge: Days 1-4